Relaxing Moment Tea & Refreshing Tea: Lemongrass Tea , Peppermint, Chamomile
成分:有机香茅,薄荷, 洋甘菊,甜菊叶
- 香茅亦被称为柠檬草。
- 可提高消化机能改善消化功能,达健胃消脂之功能。
- 被誉为“消痛剑客”,有助可减缓筋骨酸痛。
- 可镇静紧张情绪、提神解郁、止咳、缓解感冒头痛。
- 开胃助消化、可消除胃胀气或消化不良以舒解喉部不适,有助开胃、消化,可缓和胃痛及头痛,并促进新陈代谢,消除口臭。
- 明目、退肝火也可舒缓头痛、偏头痛或感冒引起的肌肉痛
- 能镇定精神、纾缓情绪,提升睡眠质素,适合失眠者饮用。
3)静待 3 - 5 分钟就可饮用。
重量 :每袋有10小包 X 2.5g
Relaxing Moment Tea & Refreshing Tea: blends with Malaysia local grown Organic Chamomile, Organic Lemongrass, peppermint and Stevia leaf.
Enjoy the unique Asia aromatic taste with a soothing and relaxing effect and health benefits.
Ingredient: 100% natural ingredient with Organic Lemongrass , Organic Chamomile, Peppermint & Stevia Leaf
Each packet comes with 10 tea bags X 2.5 g
Organic Lemongrass
- Helps with indigestion and oral health Digestion, Bloatedness.
- Contains a high level of antioxidants.
- Relax your mind and Release Stress.
Organic Chamomile
- Helps to reduce stress, promote sleep, and relax blood vessels and arteries.
Peppermint Tea
- Improving breath, relieving tension headaches, and aiding digestion.
Brewing method:
1) Place the teabag in the teapot.
2) Pouring 200ml - 250ml boiling water into a teapot or teacup.
3) Steep for 3 - 5 minutes and enjoy your tea.